Wynette: Today we went to the pilgrim’s office near the cathedral to get our compostelas. We showed them our pilgrim’s passports in which we had collected sellos (stamps) that we requested along the way. The sellos are a record of where we started and where we had been. The office got some information about us (country, age, where we started, why we did the pilgrimage) for their statistics verified that we had walked at least the last 100 kilometers, and then filled out a certificate for us. Charlie’s name was converted to Latin but they didn’t seem to know what to do with Wynette so mine didn’t get changed.
Here are some very nice Germans, Brigit and Eric, we met on the Camino and then ran into at the pilgrim’s office today. They were walking out with their compostelas as we were going in to get ours.
That is a great photo of Charlie. He looks so happy.
Congratulations! Stroke the door jam for me. I did it once, but not after such a long trek to get there. I have been enjoying your philosophizing about the camino very much. Robin
Robin, sadly, they’ve stopped letting people touch it. There is now a railing around it. But we saw one tall, long-armed guy stretch across the railing and fit his hand in the groove. We’ve enjoyed your comments on the blog. Thanks for cheering us on.