Wynette: We really enjoy your comments. Thank you! We started to reply but realized you won’t see our replies of you are logged in as guest unless you go back to the post. But we’ll figure out something.
Fast/Steady Internet
Wynette: Today we’ve finally been able to post photos and videos. This is also the first place with fast and non-flaky wi-fi. So the posts with photos in this blog might come sporadically.
Taking Care of Feet
Wynette: We got to Pamplona yesterday afternoon (end of walking day 3) and decided to stay an extra day here. I’ve been having problems with my feet and we thought it would help to have a day to rest and to look for helpful foot products. I was feeling discouraged yesterday when we arrived and my feet hurt so badly but am optimistic it will get better. I went to a huge department store this morning. Spotted a friendly-looking woman in the cosmetics department (first department by the entrance) and asked (in spanish) for “where to buy things to put in my shoes because my feet hurt.” She lit up when she understood what I needed and kindly wrote down what i should ask for “plantillas”) and where to go (supermercado). (This department store has a huge supermarket in its basement.) Her instructions were spot on. So now i have a selection of things to try.
Yesterday while walking was chatting with a fellow pilgrim who had been having foot problems. She said another pilgrim suggested she put a maxi pad in her shoe. She said she did and it fixed her problem. So… I might be trying that, too.