Wind, Rain and Fire

Charlie: Henry commented on the wind noise on the videos. Yesterday was the windiest day so far on the walk. Our phone microphones are not good at filtering wind noise. I guess we need those foam covers you see professionals using on their microphones.

We just had breakfast as the wind looks even worse today. We’ll have to bundle up. Only six miles today though.

Yesterday was a crazy weather day. We had snow and hail, sunny skies and lots of wind. No rain though. The German woman who runs the hotel had good English but didn’t know the word hail.

So, no rain and no fire either although the place we had dinner yesterday had a big charcoal he grill. It was in a bodega, a wine storage place built into a hill. Here it is.


Hello from Moratinos

Charlie: This morning we got a taxi about 20 miles and skipped one stage. Then we walked about nine miles to Moratinos, a tiny little town on the Camino but the hostal we are staying at is very nice. It is run by a German couple and is just two years old. Here is the view coming into town.


The building on the left of the road ahead is our hostal. Our room is the fourth window from the right.


Charlie: This part of Spain has a lot of adobe buildings, like NM. They seem familiar.


I guess they don’t use it much any more since most of them look pretty run down, although maybe not as run down as this one.




This is Anna from South Africa, walking along the canal into Frómista. She’s about our age or a few years older. We met her in the albergue in Hornillos that we stayed in 5 or 6 days ago. We seem to be going the same distance as she is each day. She starts out earlier than us, then we catch up with her and pass her. She walks slowly. We are moving quite a bit faster than she is but we walk the same distance. I love it when I see her up ahead, her slow steady gait is easy to recognize. She’s an inspiration to me. One slow step at a time gets you there. (It is rare that we meet pilgrims slower than us. I think everyone else we have met is way ahead.)

The “Souless Senda”

Charlie: Brierly has some harsh words for the section we walked today. It is right by a road and goes pretty much straight from Frómista to Cárrion de Los Condes. Besides “souless senda” he called them “pilgrim autopistas”.


We didn’t mind them though. They were easy to walk on and the path went through very pretty country. See the videos for more images of today’s walk.