Photos: If you click on a photo you will get a full-size (3648 × 2736 pixels) version.
Videos: These are 640×480 pixels. No larger version is available.
Scrolling through entries in order: Blog entries are in reverse chronological order, most recent on on top. If you want to scroll through the entries that are already there here is a direct link to the first blog entry. You can click on “Next”, upper right, to go to the next chronological entry.
“Track” tagged posts: We plan to record each day’s walk with Google Tracks which gives a map and statistics about the day’s walk.
“Hotel”-tagged posts: We plan to have a post of each place we stay, with photos. This is mostly for us, feel free to ignore them.
I’m enjoying refreshing your page every day and was delighted to actually see a photo today! Bravo, Peregrinos!
Since everyone is logged in as Camino2013, I should have mentioned this was Andrew @twittelator