Post by Wynette: We wrote yesterday that we planned to take the little Feve train today for the trip from San Cibrao to O Barqueiro. We got to the “station” (just a covered bench that looks like a bus stop with no personnel) and looked for the schedule to confirm what we had found on the internet. The not-too-large sign informed us that there would be no train but a bus would take us on the exact route and schedule instead. The Feve is not running from April 10 to 30 because of infrastructure repairs.
It was a little unclear where to go to find the bus but we finally figured out the map they had pinned up. It was all low key on their part and a bit stressful on our part, but it all worked out fine.
At one point at a stop about half way to our destination, I asked the bus driver if we needed to pay — he had not collected any money. He shrugged and spread his hands out. Nope, you don’t need to pay.