We know at least one reader enjoys seeing the menu del dia signs. We like them too. This was a place in San Cibrao which was closed on the Monday we were there so we could not eat there. It happens we had Easter dinner there when we were here four years ago. We had coffee there this morning for old times sake.
The menus del Dia are a great deal. Today in O Barqueiro they did not have one and we spent €38 on a lunch and got less than we would have gotten for €24 with a menu del dia. And it didn’t taste any better.
Several interesting choices for the 2nd course: roasted knuckle… that is very popular with Germans. Mackerel is a strongly flavored fish, but I happen to like it. I wonder what secreto Iberico is…. hmmm (a la plancha suggests it might be a fish).
Hi Henry, I just searched for “secreto iberico comer” in Google images and it looks like it’s some kind of pork