Camino Rain Gear
The New Mexico state question is “Red or green?” One big Camino question is “Poncho or rain jacket?” The Camino forum has numerous posts about this. Ponchos are faster to put on but flap around in the wind. To put on a rain jacket you need to take off your pack, get out the rain jacket, put on the separate pack cover and put the pack back on.
This year we are trying something new: the Altus poncho. It is kind of like the “Christmas” answer to the NM question since it is a poncho but it has sleeves and a zipper so is good in the wind. You can put it on by flipping it over your head without taking off your pack. Advice: do this while facing into the wind so the wind will help with the flip. Note that this is exactly the opposite of the advice about pissing into the wind.
The only problem with the Altus is that it looks kind of nerdy. Here is Wynette in hers during our sudden rainstorm. You can judge for yourself.