4/11: WynChar Diary

Mountains climbed: 1 out of 2
Stair steps missed not climbing the mountain: 312
Stair steps up to Monte Urgull: < 312?(although we walked down also)
Phone SIMs purchased: 1
Phone eSIMs purchased: 0
Backpacks checked: 2

Remember how the first Norte stage was the hardest? After climbing Jaizibel from Irun to Passajes, the camino climbs Mount Ulia on the way to San Sebastián. The forum talks about “endless steps”, actually 312, and the “knee punishing” downhill. We decided against further knee punishing (after all they haven’t been naughty) and take the bus the San Sebastián and walk around there. SS has it’s own Monte Urgull so we climbed it and walked around the town for a total of seven miles.

We’ll talk about phones in the next posts, and backpacks.

3 thoughts on “4/11: WynChar Diary

  1. I love the new Bridget Jones diary posts. Lots of info; not too many words; sometimes funny. (You left out the “Jones” today.)

    1. We are having fun with it. I’m glad you like it. You are right, a concise way to get across quite a bit of information.

    2. I dropped the cigarettes and alcohol units after the first one since I had established that I was copying from that book. Yesterday I decided to drop the Jones also to make it more our own. Today I had to reinstate the alcohol units.

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