Some random photos

Waiting for the train from Deba to Bilbao
Few pilgrims have commented on my backpack patches. But a day or two ago I got two comments almost simultaneously. One was from the husband of a woman who was wearing a t-shirt with a Zia symbol in front. They were from California but her father had lived in Dixon, New Mexico. Another person commented on the arrow and said “well. I’ll just follow your yellow arrow all the way to Santiago.”
There was no place to stop for breakfast or coffee on the walk from Zumaia to Deba. But, we found a good bench to have our breakfast of boiled eggs, apples, cheese.
This was a street mural in Zumaia. Zumaia is several days walk from Guernica but very close by car. I’m sure the people of this town and all this area have a heavy heart for that time.
This it Saturday walking into Zumaia. We saw a lot of locals walking as well as pilgrims. They were loving the beautiful sunny weather.

4 thoughts on “Some random photos

    1. Wasn’t that beautiful? I loved the color. A nice reflection of the friendly, happy Basque people.

    2. We saw Guernica in Madrid. I hadn’t realized how big it was, it’s huge. In 2018 we stayed in Guernica. They have a reproduction there. Later in the walk we oassed a touching memorial plaque for the brave people who died trying to defend freedom in Spain.

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