Lunch in La Arena

We are spending the night in a tiny town named La Arena. The word arena means sand in Spanish and, no surprise, there is a large sandy beach here that is bigger than the non-beach part of the town.

We had picked out a place for lunch (the only place in town that offered more than tapas) and turned out to be just downstairs from our little apartment (the only place we could find to stay in town). They had a great menu del día.

What would you choose?

First wine we’ve had because we could get both wine and water. As you can tell, the restaurant had a huge selection of wine. But we just had what came with the menu. Seemed good to us.
First course: white bean soup and mushroom risotto.
Second course: we chose pork ribs and hake.
Dessert: rice pudding and chocolate cake with caramel.

7 thoughts on “Lunch in La Arena

  1. Liked your first course and dessert choices, but pretty sure I would have picked a different main course.

      1. Probably the pollo, maybe the gallo. I’m fond of fish, but not hake — maybe I’ve never it prepared well,

        Not sure which of your two appetizers I would have chosen — would be a spur of the moment decision (am I cold, hot, what are others having [does it look good]). Same for the dessert.

        1. I’ve decided I’m not crazy about hake either. We’ve had dorado (mahi mahi) (did I spell that right?) and lubina (sea bass) and I liked those more.

    1. Yes, so hard not to overeat!! I was pretty amazed that last year I only gained about 3 pounds on the 5-week camino and then lost it within days after getting home. (Sure hope the same thing happens this year.) You are right, must be all that walking.

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