Street in Castro Urdiales where we are tonight. It’s a large town/small city. Seems elegant in a way. These buildings face a pretty harbor.View out our hotel window in Castro UrdialesA pretty garden we passed todayTypical small Spanish village. Note Charlie is wearing a raincoat. We walked through quite a bit of rain today.The end of La Arena beach
2 thoughts on “A few random photos from today”
Lovely photos today. One of them reminded me of Brittany. I do love the ocean.
The walk along the ocean today was very impressive, like many stretches along the north coast of Spain. It seems like the type of rock that makes up the coast breaks up in particularly interesting formations. I was thinking that whenever the mountains meet the ocean you have impressive coastlines.
Lovely photos today. One of them reminded me of Brittany. I do love the ocean.
The walk along the ocean today was very impressive, like many stretches along the north coast of Spain. It seems like the type of rock that makes up the coast breaks up in particularly interesting formations. I was thinking that whenever the mountains meet the ocean you have impressive coastlines.