Ferry ride attendant

As mentioned in other posts today, we took the ferry (barca) into Santander. There was a boat driver who we never saw and a young woman who did everything else: guided the boat driver as he “parked” the boat next to the landing area, helped people disembark and embark, took tickets, even swept the boat during the ride over. She was so pretty and cheerful.

Some photos of the day

Reflection in a bar window — we’d just gotten off the ferry boat, arriving in Santander
Chicken mole. We had Mexican food for lunch. Wish I’d thought to snap photo before we’d already divided the dish in half to share. The best mole I’ve ever had. You could really taste the chocolate.
There were several bars with “surf” in their name between the beach and the boat dock. We stopped at this one for coffee.
Surf school class on the beach

China store — for food and fruit. We’ve never seen a China store that sells food but this one came in handy because the China stores are about the only ones that are open on Sundays and we needed milk and fruit for tomorrow’s muesli breakfast.

4/21 WynChar Diary

Miles walked: 7.0
Miles on pavement: 1
Miles along headlands with amazing views: 3
Miles along a seemingly endless beach: 3, it was low tide, very pleasant walking
Pilgrims who passed us: ~40
Pilgrims we passed: 0
Locals out for a sunny Sunday walk: >200
Bicycles who passed us: ~10
Times we said what an amazing walk it was: 4 or 5
Boat rides across the ria to Santander: 1

This was a great walking day. Sunny but breezy so it was not hot. We were walking along headlands with 60-70 foot drops down to rocky ocean shore or pristine beaches. We saw a few surfers on the beaches.

So many beaches below us
Pilgrim and locals on the path

Then the trail dropped down to the start of a beach that was 5-6 miles long. We had walked along some of it in 2018 but then it was high tide. This time it was low tide and we walked for three miles along it. Lots of people on the beach enjoying the sunny weather but still there were long stretches with no people. It was breezy and several people were flying kites.

Near the beginning of the endless beach we walked on

At the end we were across the ria from Santander. We stopped for a cup of coffee and then caught the ferry along with several other pilgrims and a number of locals.

About to embark to Santander