Santillana del Mar … and breakfast

Walking into Santillana del Mar

I think we posted a photo very much like the above in 2018. We stayed in Santillana del Mar on that Camino walk but went a few miles past it today. It’s a beautifully-preserved very old town. Quite lovely. It doesn’t feel like a “real” town. It’s essentially a museum with quite a number of tourist shops. But, certainly worth seeing. Has a beautiful Romanesque church that seemed to be closed.

Back of the church
Front of the church
On the main street. Lots of cobblestones.

We had planned to eat breakfast in Santillana and were so lucky to find a bar a little off the main street where the kindest man made us fried eggs and toast.

I told Charlie we should mention in our blog that it’s not so much that we are huge fried egg and toast eaters, we hardly ever make it at home. It’s just that they do such a wonderful job making them here. The eggs are bright orange and cooked just right, slightly runny on the inside and sometimes kind of crispy on the outside. The toast is usually made from really good bread and today he served it with some butter and some wonderful peach jam that he served in a little bowl.

I’d be happy with the tortillas (Spanish omelette that is in every bar and mentioned in previous post) for breakfast but Charlie is not a fan. So, the best thing we’ve found for breakfast (when we decide not to just have muesli in our room) is eggs and toast.

2 thoughts on “Santillana del Mar … and breakfast”

    1. Hi Joe, in Spain it’s so great. Milk is sold in boxes that don’t need to be refrigerated. It’s the ultra pasteurized stuff but it tastes pretty good We usually have to buy a quart (oops liter) and we end up throwing some of it out since we can’t use it all at once, but it’s so inexpensive (€1.25) that it’s not too hard to do that.

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