4/25 WynChar Diary
Miles: 7.4 miles, from 3 to 374, 915 feet up, 735 feet down
Dogs in bars: 2
Dogs Charlie played ball with in bars: 1
Rude pilgrims who hogged a whole three-person bench for him and his backpack and warned us not to sit there while we sat on cold cement steps: 1, but we are definitely not bitter about it, we just shrugged it off and forgot about it (until now)
Stunning churches: 4
Number of hotels that were not yet open for the season that we called before finding one for tonight: 4
Lentil stews for hungry pilgrims: 2, one each
A fairly short day but that is fine with us. Lots of up and down, as usual.
We stopped at a charming local bar run, it seemed, by a middle-aged couple. They made us fried eggs and toast. Their two dogs were in and out looking mournful like dogs do implying they really aren’t fed enough. One dropped his tennis ball at my feet so I had to play with him, rolling the ball on the floor for him to fetch. The ice cream middle man was there talking to the owner. He brought a new ice cream sign to display. Several other pilgrims stopped in while we were there.

The only downside was that the coffee was a bit watery. We do not have high coffee standards but some are too watery and others have a rich full flavor.
The rude guy story speaks for itself.
We stayed in Cóbreces in April 2018 and it was fairly busy but this time every hotel was closed for some reason and there were no bars open. We made those calls two days ago so we got a place in the next little town, Trasierra, 1.5 miles away.
Trasierra has only one bar (tiny). It advertised food but only had tortillas. We are staying in a hotel-restaurant but the restaurant is closed and we are the only people in the place. Nonetheless we are currently sitting in their closed restaurant because the host told us to make ourselves at home. And he gave us some delicious lentils with sausage. So we are quite happy.