4/27 WynChar Diary

Miles: 7.7 miles from 0 to 299 feet, up 381, down 469
Miles walking on a long beach: 2
Peruvian restaurants visited:
Hay bale plots uncovered: 1

Today was a beautiful walk, one of the best of the trip. We (and by “we” I mean Wynette, my memories are scenes with no attached locations) remembered it from 2018. We stopped at a seaside bar that we stopped at in 2018.

Luckily the patio was out of the wind so a most pleasant stop.

It was windy the whole way but coming into San Vicente it was almost blow-you-over windy, and cold.

My hat puffs up with air when it is windy.

We ate at Bar Colón. It was listed as a Peruvian restaurant but it only had four Peruvian dishes. We had rice with mariscos (seafood). They didn’t call it “paella” but it was paella-like and quite good.

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