4/30 WynChar Diary
We walked 9.2 miles in six hours with the usual ups and down. It was beautiful again. The hotel breakfast was very good with some killer pastries. A couple from Virginia was also staying at our hotel so we chatted with them at breakfast. We said we were from Albuquerque and guess what, they mentioned Breaking Bad.
We saw a lot of pilgrims today. And by “saw” I mean they passed us. Except for one group of young people. Normally the young ones breeze past us and they are out of sight in a minute but this group was very slow and kept stopping to look at their phones. I guess they were seeing how their social media was liking their Camino.

We saw the usual cows ignoring the great views they had and lots of calves following their mothers around.

A lot of beautiful ocean views, ho hum.