First full day in Oviedo
We’ve had a very low key day. Got up around 7:30, had a great muesli breakfast in our airbnb kitchen. We made coffee provided by the airbnb in a little Italian espresso pot. It turned out delicious. We messaged our host and asked what kind of coffee it was so we could buy more and she told us it was Mercadona supermarket brand and it was decaf! We later went to the supermarket and got the non-decaf version. (We are still trying to parse why our airbnb host would provide coffee but only decaf! And also not tell us it was decaf.)
After breakfast we walked to the mercado — an indoor version of an open air market that is open every day. Quite nice. We only bought bread and olives. But we’ll probably go back every day. It’s very near our airbnb.
We walked to the Decathlon store (a ubiquitous store of inexpensive outdoor clothing and gear here in Europe) to find Charlie a fleece of some kind to wear especially in our slightly-cold airbnb. (I brought a coat on this trip but he didn’t.) He found the perfect thing there.
Then we walked to a china store and got a night light for the bathroom. Too hard to find the bathroom down the long dark hallway in the middle of the night.
Then we went to the Mercadona and got some deli food (lentils, paella), coffee (as mentioned above), milk, sidra, etc.
Came home and had a good lunch and the bottle of sidra. I liked it since it was slightly sweet.
It was nice to eat at home instead of a restaurant for a change. And out of the off-and-on rain.
The sidra has made us just want to stay at home and take a nap!
We thought we would visit Oviedo’s famous cathedral (about a 3 minute walk from our airbnb), but I think that’ll have to wait till tomorrow.
Some photos of the day:

Beautiful gardens and fountain.
Yes, Mafalda! The world is so big and yet there are so many tight connections across continents.