Today we did make it to the cathedral. They had a great self-guided tour through it including the cathedral museum.
We went to the market to look for lamb. Charlie is very fond of lamb. We plan to cook it tomorrow for lunch. We found a booth in the market that specialized in lamb.
We found a phone accessories store to replace our charger that quit working.
We walked in the park again.
We came home and heated up a cod and garbanzo bean lunch we bought at the market. And made a salad. We are enjoying eating at home. But there are so many great restaurants, too. It’s a dilemma.
We rested and went out again, just to stroll around, mostly. Found the Woody Allen statue we had heard was here. Went back to the park. It was actually getting warm so we had zumo de Sandia (watermelon juice), made with fresh watermelon.