Today we did make it to the cathedral. They had a great self-guided tour through it including the cathedral museum.
We went to the market to look for lamb. Charlie is very fond of lamb. We plan to cook it tomorrow for lunch. We found a booth in the market that specialized in lamb.
We found a phone accessories store to replace our charger that quit working.
We walked in the park again.
We came home and heated up a cod and garbanzo bean lunch we bought at the market. And made a salad. We are enjoying eating at home. But there are so many great restaurants, too. It’s a dilemma.
We rested and went out again, just to stroll around, mostly. Found the Woody Allen statue we had heard was here. Went back to the park. It was actually getting warm so we had zumo de Sandia (watermelon juice), made with fresh watermelon.
Approaching the cathedralIn the cathedral museum, we saw many small status carved from wood, from 12 and 13th century. They were great. This one was more life size and I’m not sure it is of wood. The medium wasn’t really clear on many of them.A very nice woman cutting the lamb for usBack to visit Mafalda in the park. A friendly older man asked if we wanted him to take our photo. We said yes and then he found his daughter to actually take the photos. The plaque verifies that Mafalda originated in Argentina.The streets were full of people sitting at sidewalk bars. Everywhere, on every street.Woody Allen. The plaque at his feet quotes him as saying “OVIEDO IS A DELICIOUS EXOTIC CITY BEAUTIFUL CLEAN PLEASANT QUIET AND PEDESTRIANIZED IT IS AS IF IT DID NOT BELONG TO THIS WORLD AS IF IT DID NOT EXIST…OVIEDO IS LIKE A FAIRY TALE.” WOODY ALLEN PRINCE OF ASTURIAS WADE LAS ARTS PRIZE 2002When we first walked up to the statue, the guy in black was leaning on him. Turned out he was waiting for his girlfriend. I guess they had agreed to meet “at the Woody Allen statue.”
6 thoughts on “We are in love with Oviedo”
Would you want to live there? Or at least stay for an extended period?
I think it would be a pretty wonderful place to live. However, if I had to choose between Gijon (where we stayed for a week in 2019) and Oviedo, I’d choose Gijon, mainly because it is on the ocean and has such a wonderful beach. Also Gijon is not remotely touristy. Oviedo isn’t real touristy but there is a tinge of that.
Actually, yesterday was about the warmest day we’ve experienced here. It got up into the 70s. (Note, I have my coat tied around my waist.) We did have some sunny days when still walking on the Camino and we’d get pretty hot going up and down hills in the sun, but the air temp was at most in the 60s. Overall, this has been a cold camino! Much colder today in Oviedo and a drizzly rain all day.
She came while we were taking a few more photos. They walked the same direction as we did and we saw them five minutes later having an argument about something. Maybe he should have gotten Woody to explain it to her, or maybe ghostly Bogart, or even Marshal McLuhan.
Would you want to live there? Or at least stay for an extended period?
I think it would be a pretty wonderful place to live. However, if I had to choose between Gijon (where we stayed for a week in 2019) and Oviedo, I’d choose Gijon, mainly because it is on the ocean and has such a wonderful beach. Also Gijon is not remotely touristy. Oviedo isn’t real touristy but there is a tinge of that.
The picture of the two of you sitting with Mafalda Suggest that it’s a bit chilly still.
Actually, yesterday was about the warmest day we’ve experienced here. It got up into the 70s. (Note, I have my coat tied around my waist.) We did have some sunny days when still walking on the Camino and we’d get pretty hot going up and down hills in the sun, but the air temp was at most in the 60s. Overall, this has been a cold camino! Much colder today in Oviedo and a drizzly rain all day.
Meeting one’s girlfriend at a Woody Allen statue seems like a joke out of a Woody Allen movie!
She came while we were taking a few more photos. They walked the same direction as we did and we saw them five minutes later having an argument about something. Maybe he should have gotten Woody to explain it to her, or maybe ghostly Bogart, or even Marshal McLuhan.