Will you help us figure out a mystery
Across the street from our airbnb we have noticed these two windows always open since we arrived on Thursday (the two windows middle row, left).

Through rain or sun or cold they have been open. There has been a single coat hanging in the window most of the time so I was starting to think it was an abandoned apartment where someone moved out and left the windows open. But yesterday another coat showed up in the window, and possibly some shoes.

I know the Spanish, and Europeans in general, like fresh air, but it’s hard to imagine not shutting the windows when temps are down into the mid or low 40s at night and it is often raining. I thought, well maybe it is their drying room (is there such a thing?) and they never close the windows. Any better ideas? Wild and crazy ideas will not be rejected.
One if by land, two if by sea.
Or, one coat – I’m here all alone, come on up. Two, best stay away – mi esposa esté aqui.
And, those aliens with the invading hay bales live there and the temperatures on their home planet are usually much colder.
Or, they close the windows after you go to sleep and open them again before you get up. On purpose. So you’ll have a fun question for your blog.
Ha ha, Ella. All your answers are feasible! I knew you’d come up with good hypotheses.
I especially like your second idea. Except perhaps it’s an esposo (vs. esposa) to be watched out for. I think they are both women’s jackets.
So it wouldn’t be esposa if you are referring to a female spouse (or partner)? My handle on Spanish is pretty minimal.
I was thinking it was two women living there, one of whom was straying with some other woman (not that women would ever do such a thing).
I like the sexual intrigue hypothesis, but I also favor the person who suffers from easy overheating due to claustrophobia. The minute she enters her rooms she sheds the extra layer. When she leaves, she keeps the windows open hoping to lower the overall temperature.
I’d go with the love of fresh air.