Back on the Camino

I thought I might be too tired to blog tonight but think I’ll give it a try. It always helps to pick out a few photos to get going. We caught a bus this morning to a town that is a little past where we stopped walking the camino last week. We wanted to walk a bit more of the camino starting there. We chose an alternate route that goes along the ocean’s edge. (The main camino there is more inland.) Once the bus let us off, it took a bit of walking off-camino to get to that alternate camino path, but it was worth it. We didn’t have much info about this path. The single guide that suggested it as an alternate route didn’t give us much info except a map. We ended up being awed by it. Charlie said “if this were in the US, this would be a national park.” I agree. Well, at least a state park. But it’s just another amazing walk along Spain’s north Atlantic coast. We saw about 6 other hikers the whole time.

We finished our walk in Ribadesella and had an excellent menu del día there. Then we caught the little Feve train back to Llanes.

We ended up walking about 8.2 miles total with 270 feet up and 390 down.

We were walking through moors along ocean cliffs, mostly along a pretty good path.
We passed beautiful inlets and arches
I said it was “mostly easy”. We did have a few steep places. This was almost a small cliff we had to go down. Both of us ended up doing it sitting down.
We saw mountain goats! Well, this one was wearing a red collar so he/she might not have been a wild mountain goat.
After a few miles we came across a bench and then a picnic table. These were the only human-added things we came across. Well, except the livestock and some fences. And a few trail signs. Charlie made the joke that, at least we didn’t have to wait in line to sit on the bench. If you read our blog from last year you might remember the bench called “The Most Beautiful Bench in the World”. We did have to wait in line to sit on that bench.
Another great view with an arch

4 thoughts on “Back on the Camino

    1. Thanks, Mom. We couldn’t access the website for a while. Charlie spent some time online chatting with someone at our service provider. Before he changed anything it started working again. A mystery.

    1. Thanks, John. I’m really glad you are enjoying the blog. Good to hear from you here.

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