Highlights from today: We explored the other two beaches in Llanes at both low tide and high tide. And had a great lunch in between.
Day: May 10, 2024
The Coast of Wales
In a remarkable coincidence I just ran across this article (https://medium.com/globetrotters/stacks-cracks-and-arches-985cfa542b28) describing a section of the coast of Wales. The rock formations are very close to the ones I showed in yesterday’s blog post “The coast of northern Spain”. And his videos look a lot like the videos took, including the wind noise. I guess sea coasts are similar all over the world.
The Coast of Northern Spain
We have walked several Caminos along the north coast of Spain and they all have been beautiful with stunning views. Yesterday we walked along a coastal path that was different from other ones we have seen.
The rock making up this coast is apparently softer than usual rocks and gets worn away by the ocean waves. This creates a rugged coastline with many inlets. Sometimes the rock wears through creating a short tunnel that then opens on the top creating a hole where the ocean waves come up. They call these “buffoons” or bufones. They make interesting sounds and when the tide is high and the ocean rough they shoot up water 10-20 feet in the air.
This article talks about this and Basque Country.