More random photos

On the Santoña beach this morning
Yesterday afternoon. Bull fight on TV in bar where we hung out to blog.
The center of Santoña
This is the man who waved me over to the albergue and told me they had my raincoat. We chatted a bit. I told him we were catching a bus to Laredo. He was interested to know a bus was available. Here he is at the bus stop with us. We have been calling him “the wandering minstrel”. He seems to be walking the camino but didn’t have a typical backpack or typical hiking clothes. He told us he bought everything he was wearing (including coat) the day before in a second-hand store in Castro Urdiales. I thought he looked very sharp. I think he is British. He said he’d spent the last 4 months in Morocco.
This is Kelly and Christina, also waiting with us for the bus to Laredo. Kelly is the Episcopal priest we mentioned in previous post. We kept running into them over two days. Christina told us she was a retired church musician. She said it was a stressful and highly underpaid career. Kelly had just wrenched her knee so had to stop walking for a few days.

2 thoughts on “More random photos”

  1. The Brit who just bought all his clothes before reminds me of a mystery series. Might be the Jack Reacher series? Where he never carries anything. Just buys and discards clothes as he goes.

    1. Ha ha. I wonder if our minstrel did that? His clothes didn’t look like they’d be easy to hand wash. 🙂 But, Charlie and I were just talking about how we gave up hand washing on the camino pretty early on. There are self-serve laundries in towns of any size and it works to do laundry every 5 or so days.

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