Uncategorized / April 10, 2024

Our time in Purgatory

The first day of the Camino del Norte is the hardest of the whole walk. We did the Norte in 2018 and skipped the first stage. This year we wanted to try it out, seeing that we were six years older. To make it even possible we did two things. We took a taxi up

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Uncategorized / April 10, 2024

4/10: WynChar Jones Diary

Mountains climbed: 1 (1900 feet)Distance walked: 6.9 (hard) miles (up 1300 feet, down 1900 feet)Taxi rides: 1 (we skipped the first four miles and 600 feet up)Maximum heart rate on ridiculously steep first part: 139 (I think my watch alarms when it passes 140)Number of times during the hike when we wished we had taken

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4/9: WynChar Jones Diary

Cigarettes: 0 (Bridget had more)Alcohol units: (Ditto)Total solar eclipses missed by 1 hour: 1Unpleasant transatlantic crossings: 1American airport meals: 1 (not too bad)Airplane meals: 1 (mediocre but not terrible.Number of times the word claro heard in two overheard conversations in the Madrid airport: at least 40 (I didn’t understand any other word as it was

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