
Post by Wynette: We passed this pilgrim today. She was walking with two girls. Then we saw her pull ahead and then saw her sitting up ahead. She reminded us of a nun. We said hello as we passed her and she had a friendly face so we stopped to chat. She was from Slovenia. She was waiting for her daughters who had stopped to visit a large group of horses.

A Day in the Rain: Playa de Luaña to Comillas, Monday, April 30

Post by Wynette: We walked 6 miles today. Rained the whole way. The first little bit was on a boardwalk. It was a pretty walk, mostly on quiet country roads. It never poured hard. Just a slow steady rain. We were rather wet and maybe just a little cranky when we got to Comillas. We were looking forward to seeing Comillas but mostly have hunkered down in our warm, dry room. Supposed to be some sunshine tomorrow.