Street Dancing 

In a piazza in Lucca we came across these three young dancers dancing to classical music played by woodwind trio. Later Charlie saw another dance troupe. Street dancing seems to be a thing. We only saw one human statue in Lucca. I guess they are out of style?

Going Our Separate Ways 

This morning, I went shopping outside the walls and Charlie stayed to walk on the wall. Here he is waving goodbye from on top of the wall. I zoomed in on him. He was pretty high above me, higher than it looks here.

Spinach Pie? 

The other day, Charlie bought one of these at the bakery we go to every day for fresh focchacia. (We have become rather addicted to fresh focchacia.) Charlie thought spinach pie would be a good vegetable with our dinner. Later we sat down to eat it with our pork. When we tasted it we were surprised to find it was quite sweet. In other words, a dessert. Delicious but very un-vegetable-like. When we went back to the bakery we asked what it was and found out it is made from chard, not spinach and that it is a Lucca specialty.