Getting Train Tickets

Post by Wynette written on Sunday:

Yesterday afternoon it occurred to us we’d better get our train tickets to Rome since most things are closed on Sundays. We went to Tourist Information (TI) to get their advice. The young man working in the TI called several travel agents but they were all closed so he said he could help us get the tickets on his computer. He invited us to the back of the office and we stood around and watched him do it and gave him the details he needed. He was very fast and really knew his way around the trenitalia web site. He was helpful and fun and very cute and had a GREAT Italian accent. Afterwards we chatted with him a bit. He said his name was ___ Paulo. (I didn’t quite catch the first name.) I asked him how he learned to speak such good English and he said school and much travel. He said he was about finished seeing all of Europe. I asked if I could take his picture. He suggested he stand in front of the TI posters of Ostuni which made a really nice backdrop and he happily smiled for us.
