Purple play-doh on a pretty plate

Here it is:

It seems obvious now and probably to you.

We ate at Alfileritos 24, at Calle de los Afilteritos 24 (cute huh?), the guidebooks said “Modern international”. Our hotel manager, Enrique, recommeded it and called it just “24”. I guess that is what the young, hip crowd calls it and Wynette and I, with our combined 125 years, always try to go where the cool kids go. Overall it was very good.

This is the appetizer we got “carpaccio de pulpo” Somehow, despite our hipness, they gave us the English menu which called it “Roast octopus”. When we got it, it seemed like the wrong order. Where’s the octopus I thought. And it seemed kind of small for 10 euro. Wynette agreed although she was looking at it from the other side of the table so I guess it is mostly my error. We were this close to asking the waiter about it when I suddenly realized that the plate was all black and the pattern on it was, in fact, our octopus. It would have been highly embarrassing and a big hit to our hipness if we had asked. Anyway, once we found the cleverly cleverly-hidden-as-a-pattern-on-the-plate octopus, it was very good and we were off to a great start with the meal.

The play-doh does look like a kid shaped it. It was potato and turnips (and purple coloring) and was good too.

I’ll refrain from posting pictures of all the other courses, which we did take.

4 thoughts on “Purple play-doh on a pretty plate”

  1. Was that only one octopus? If it is more than one creature, would it be octopi???

    Not sure I would want to eat it.

  2. I’m with Bernice on this one. Having looked more closely, I can’t decide if those are those several individual octopi, or sections through a tentacle?

  3. Hi Mom and Pam, I’m pretty sure those are sections through a tentacle. So, must have been a fairly large octupus. Or more than one octopus. It was mild flavored. I bet you guys wouldn’t have minded eating it. It was so funny how we both looked at the plate and didn’t see the octopus and came so close to calling the waiter over to ask about the order. I think we were expecting to see those little whole octopi (mom, i think that is right 🙂 on the plate. In spanish they call them “pulpsos”. Wynette

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