One Bucket at a Time


Wynette: In one stretch of the Camino we saw some vineyards with very rocky soil. This one was the worst. It reminded me of something my dad had told me about. He bought some farm land outside Hobbs when he and Mom moved there after he retired. A patch of it was pretty rocky. Dad told me that nearly every day he’d go out there and pick up a bucket of rocks. I need to ask him if he ever got all those rocks out.

It would probably be easier to walk the Camino one step at a time than clear all the rocks from the above field one bucket of rocks at a time, well, at least easier on the back.  But it seemed many fields nearby had been derocked pretty well. I suppose over hundreds of years.



  1. Your dad said he ‘finally’ got the majority of the rocks removed! But I do believe there are more in the picture than on his farm land! Mom

    • Cool, Dad. Bet Greg and his horses are appreciating all that work.

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