Spanish plumbing

We have stayed in 15 places already and I have noticed several things about the bathrooms. The toilets…

…all seem to be square now. I don’t keep up with bathroom trends in the US, maybe they are all square there also.

The showers: in higher-end places (which for us is the €65 to €80 range) all have rainfall showers above paired with a handheld sprayer which can also be used as a shower head. The control on the left chooses which head and the water volume and the control on the right sets the temperature.

The lower-end places (for us, an incredible €30 last night to €55) just have the spray/shower head.

Liquid soap is in and tiny little soap bars are out. Less than half the places have soap bars. The modern casa rural in Teixido had three liquid dispensers in the shower: shampoo was a blue liquid, body wash was a yellow, and conditioner was white.

Most places have separate shampoo and body wash but who really believes they are different except for the dye? One place had an honest, single shampoo and body wash.

Only one place so far has had a fan in the bathroom. Strange because it is mucho humido here and a fan would help.

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