Cirueña, the Town of “Se Vende”

Charlie: We walked through Cirueña yesterday and it was about the most depressing place we have passed. Kind of a poster child for the Spanish real estate bubble. It is/was a little town of 200 people but as we approached we saw this large cluster of new buildings. This was just the beginning. As we got closer we saw more and more rows of condos. All second homes we think. There must have been hundreds and hundreds of them. They were all shut up tight with those roll down shutters they use in Europe. They were just starting to show the years of neglect. There was a nice looking golf course which we suppose was the draw to get people to buy there.

It was like a ghost town, rows and rows of buildings and no one around anywhere. Many of them had “Se vende” (for sale) signs on them but we figure there is little hope of selling any of them. They are not nice enough for the rich people who made all the money in the real estate bubble and the middle class people who might buy them have been devastated by the five years of recession and austerity. It is all very sad. I would not be surprised if they are bulldozed down in a few years.

We took some videos of it, see the ones on April 17.
