La Fàbula

Charlie: Burgos is the gastronomic capital of Spain for 2013. I’m not sure exactly what that means but I read it before coming here and it is written on a huge banner on the center of town.

We went to lunch today at La Fàbula restaurant. It turns out that after 14 years it is closing in two months. The waiter said they were trying all sorts of things before they close. We each had a fixed price menu one for €25 and one for €35, a lot for lunch but not that high considering what this place was like. The food was excellent. Each menu was six courses, each pretty small, being from very good to excellent, so we got to try 12 things. Wynette said it was kind of like tapas.

We took photos of each dish but we won’t try your patience by inserting them all here but I have to include one.



  1. We await the other 11 courses upon your arrival! This is a fantastic trip, that we are enjoying without any sore feet, thank you! (andrew)

    • (Mark) What Andrew said. I trust you’ll share your photos some evening, your recollections, and the dishes you sampled that no doubt you’ll figure out how to recreate at home. 🙂

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