Gaudí! No we aren’t in Barcelona.

Casa Botines by Gaudí

I was going to call this post “Day in León,” but Charlie suggested the above. We spent the day in the very nice city of León. Our hotel is just around the corner from a building that Gaudí designed and built. (One of the 9 that exist in Spain, most of which are in Barcelona.) Last time we were here in León, we spotted the building right away but didn’t know it was a Gaudí right away. At the time, it was owned by a bank! Now it is a museum about Gaudí plus a small art gallery on the top floor. We spent a couple of hours there today. We’ll see another Gaudí work (a bishop’s palace) when we walk through Astorga in a few days.

We decided to eat Japanese food for lunch today. We’ve had lots of Spanish food already and will be eating it almost exclusively the next few weeks so decided to do this as a diversión. Enjoyed it.

Then we went to a self-serve laundry. It was very modern. There were a couple of rather small washing machines. I thought, “I guess sometimes people want to wash a really small load”, then I noticed the sign. (See photo below.) It translates to “Washing machine dedicated for the garments of your pets”. That was a new one for me!

7 thoughts on “Gaudí! No we aren’t in Barcelona.”

  1. You guys look great. Sounds like you’ve become old hands at doing this Camino thing. Do you revel in your competence? Feet holding up?

    1. Hey Mark, good to hear from you! I guess we have learned a lot over the years. When we came back for our second Camino, a big motivation was to benefit from what we learned from all the mistakes we made the first time. Of course, I hope we still have a lot more to learn. My feet are quite tender and sore today. We walked 9 miles and that’s plenty for me, thank you very much! I think/hope we’ll average a little less than that per day over all. And, hopefully my feet will toughen up. So far no blisters. I’d like to think I’ve figured out how to prevent them. The key is lots of tape: leukotape and surgical tape. Tape up anything that might get a blister before any blisters form. And for me, that’s nearly my whole feet. Seems like forever since we’ve seen you and Donia! I said that to Charlie a while ago and he said “that’s pretty much true of everyone we know” (because of covid). Would be great to see you guys. Wynette

  2. Hey Mark, good to hear from you! I guess we have learned a lot over the years. When we came back for our second Camino, a big motivation was to benefit from what we learned from all the mistakes we made the first time. Of course, I hope we still have a lot more to learn. My feet are quite tender and sore today. We walked 9 miles and that’s plenty for me, thank you very much! I think/hope we’ll average a little less than that per day over all. And, hopefully my feet will toughen up. So far no blisters. I’d like to think I’ve figured out how to prevent them. The key is lots of tape: leukotape and surgical tape. Tape up anything that might get a blister before any blisters form. And for me, that’s nearly my whole feet. Seems like forever since we’ve seen you and Donia! I said that to Charlie a while ago and he said “that’s pretty much true of everyone we know” (because of covid). Would be great to see you guys. Wynette

  3. Are there any of Gaudi’s mosaic benches nearby that you can admire while resting the post-9-mile sore feet?! I love the ones in Barcelona!

    1. Alas no benches. We got to sit on some of Gaudi’s benches in Barcelona (Park Guel, or something like that) back in 2012. Such fun.

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