

Charlie: Cadiz has a nice central market, open every day. The fresh fish selection was amazing.

Mrs. Lady


Wynette: This is for my mom. I remember her telling me that when I was a little girl I’d play grocery store in the kitchen using the food in the lower cabinets as the merchandise. She was the customer who’d come in to buy and I’d call her “Mrs. Lady.” (Mom, did I remember the story right?)


Flamenco at Casa de Memoria
Flamenco at Casa de Memoria

Charlie and Wynette: Sevilla is the birthplace of Flamenco. We have gone to two shows so far. You can’t take photos during the show but they reserve a few minutes at the end where photos are allowed. Both shows we’ve attended have had four performers: a guitarist, a singer, and two dancers.

Flamenco at La Casa de Flemenco. (Wish we could have taken photos when she had on the colorful dress with long heavy train.)
Flamenco at La Casa de Flamenco. (Wish we could have taken photos when she was wearing the colorful dress with long heavy ruffled train.)
Poster showing the performers
Poster showing the performers

Sevilla Segway Tour

Charlie, Pat, and Wynette on Segways in Plaza de Espana

Charlie and Wynette: We took a segway tour in DC and loved it so we wanted to take one in Sevilla. It was great. We went through some narrow lanes in the Jewish Quarter that were barely wider than the Segways.

You look pretty dorky riding a Segway and to make it worse, we had to wear these little hair covers so we wouldn’t get the helmets dirty. We’re not saying this to complain. Just to explain the dorky hair covers in case you noticed them.

Below is photo of our exuberant guide Maria (on right) and the other person on our tour (from Australia), Allison. Maria was a lot of fun — her personality reminded us of Wynette’s niece Libby.

Allison and Maria. This was taken at the Plaza de Espana which we will probably talk about later.

Beach Panoramas

Late afternoon at the beach, close to high tide

Charlie: I’ve been experimenting with taking panorama shots with my camera. The version above is small but if you click on it it will show up better. (Click once to get full screen and then click another time to get one you can scroll through.)

Another one:

Mid-day at the beach, close to low tide