Your Comments and a Comment about Photos

Our desk (one end of dining table), table for meals and kitchen just off the living/dining room. It's a nice little kitchen.
Our desk (one end of long dining table), table for meals and kitchen just off the living/dining room. It’s a nice little kitchen. Very well-equipped. Yes, we found the milk frother.

Wynette: Thanks for your comments. We sure enjoy them. If you’ve tried to add a comment and were put off that you had to provide your name and email, don’t worry, your email won’t show up on the post. Also, I think (?) you can get by with just providing your first name or nickname. The first time you post a comment, it will have to be approved by us, but after that it won’t have to be approved.

You can click on any photo to see a larger and much higher resolution version. E.g., once you’ve made it bigger, try zooming in on the people in the photo below or in the vegetables in previous post.

Off the subject, but apologies for how slow the site is. We think it is because we have pretty minimal hosting service at Dreamhost.

This is the view out our front window. Bar just below us does a very good business. They seem to have many loyal customers.
This is the view looking down from our front window. Bar just below us does a very good business. They seem to have many loyal customers. Unfortunately, we weren’t crazy about their coffee so we are going to start search for our local bar.