Spain’s Nightlight

Post by Charlie: Hotel rooms in Spain have lights over the doors. Your Redoubtable Travelers (YRTs) have encountered this before and go abroad armed with duct tape and black electrical tape. The lights are high and nearly impossible to cover, and are bright. You need to stand on a rickety chair, sometimes taken from the hall. This is necessary to get high enough to cover them. Covering with a towel is never possible. Taped cardboard works best. Last night the bed was as bright as a full moon night. We were tired last night and didn’t try to cover the lights on the very high ceiling so had to wear our eye masks from the plane. Wynette imagined some tourist in the past perishing from smoke inhalation unable to find the door to their hotel room and a rush to legislate a solution. We take the libertarian view and trust people to be able to find the door to their hotel room. At home we sleep with black out curtains and enjoy a dark room.