
Post by Wynette: Tonight we are in Gernika, which is spelled Guernica in Spanish. This town has a tragic history. From Wikipedia: “On April 26, 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, the town was razed to the ground by German aircraftsent by Hitler to support Franco’s troops. For almost four hours bombs rained down on Guernica in an “experiment” for the blitzkrieg tactics and bombing of civilians seen in later wars.” We have heard that Franco’s men guarded the exits to the town so that no one could escape during the bombing. Over 1650 civilians were killed.

Of course, this is the subject of Picasso’s famous Guernica painting. The original is in Madrid. The above is a copy in tile here in Gernika.

3 thoughts on “Gernika/Guernica”

  1. When I read the title, I wondered if this was the site that inspired the art work. Have fun!

    1. Hi Robin! I was surprised when found out we would be going through Gernika. We were lucky to get to see it this way.

  2. I was very touched by the fact that you were in Gernicka. Just a few years ago of course- I had the privilege of seeing the painting in Madrid. A horrible tragic story-
    On a lighter note: I can taste that Ensalada Mixta just by looking at the photo. Keep enjoying! L,H

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