Wildlife Report (Including Not-So-Wild Life) 

Today I saw what I thought was a long rope (8 feet or more) across the gravel road we were walking on. I looked closer and realized that it was a line of catterpillers. We have never seen anything like it. 

Yesterday two large deer bounded out of the woods just ahead of us. 

We have seen four storks but no stork nests. Perhaps they continue on to Spain to have their chicks?

The first day out, we saw a little beaver-like animal in the grass. 

We’ve seen some peacocks and chickens. A few horses. Strangely, not a single cow or sheep or goat. (But we’ve smelled lots of manure spread in the fields we pass through. All the out-of-town land seems to be farm land.) 

We’ve seen two or three cats and lots and lots and lots of barking dogs behind fences, mostly in the towns. And today, for the first time, two dogs came out from the fence towards us. We were nervous at first but they turned out to be friendly.