Month: September 2014
Photos Day 11, September 27, Ventosa to Nájera
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
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Markers 9-26
Photos Day 10, September 26, Navarrete to Ventosa
Grapes in La Rioja
Rows of Planted Trees
Melóns are in Season
Wynette. Melóns have been an option on several of our pilgrim’s menus. You get a large slice. Maybe not large enough because they are so delicious. I’m not sure what variety they are. They are just called “melóns” . Above are some we passed in a fruit market in Logroño. Sandías are sometimes an option as well. As everyone from Albuquerque knows, “sandía” means “watermelon”, the old-fashioned red kind. (Albuquerque sits below Sandía Mountain which glows red in the sunset.) Last night we bought a fourth of a sandía and had it for dinner in our albergue kitchen. I think we got the last one in the little grocery store because as we were taking it up to the register to pay I overhead a woman tell her husband with dismay “ay no, no tiene sandías!”